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Breweries and Distilleries
State regulations governing printed information vary from state to state: this is one of the key coding and marking related challenges for breweries and distilleries. Companies shipping products to a large number of states require flexible solutions to satisfy these different regulations.
A humid environment and condensation build-up results in special demands on both machines and inks used in breweries and distilleries.
Our advantages in breweries and distilleries industry include
IP65 rated construction
Fully waterproof machines that can work reliably in environments of high humidity and can be hosed during a line wash down.
Easy to use and maintain machines
We designed our printers from the ground up keeping Indian climate and infrastructural conditions in mind. Our intuitive user interface is available in major Indian languages. Low maintenance requirements make our printers easy to use, while minimizing dependency on skilled technical labour.
Solutions by application
Beer Bottles
Government regulations restrict operating hours for Indian breweries. To maximize production, breweries often run at peak capacity, leaving little room for coding errors or unscheduled coder downtime.

Our advantages in beer bottles application include
Highly reliable solutions
Depending on coding technology, we can guarantee 99% to 99.9% uptime.
High-speed solutions
With some of the fastest printers in the industry, we can match the high line speeds common in beer bottling lines while maintaining superb print quality.
Small footprint coders
Easy to integrate even into production lines where space is at a premium.
Recommended printers

Laser Printer

Much like with bottles, beer canning lines run at high speeds and require high-speed coding solutions. The statutory requirement is for code to be printed on the curved surface at the bottom of every can. Since cans are often shipped to different states, companies need flexible printing solutions that can print in the required languages.
Our advantages in beer canning lines application include
Flexibility to print in any language
Our printers allow printing in all Indian languages, as well as the vast majority of the world’s languages.
Industry leading print performance
With its 50mm throw distance, our continuous inkjet printer ensures quality code even on highly curved surfaces. The long throw distance allows the print head to be installed at a slight angle, which prevents ink from dropping back onto it when printing onto the bottom of the cans. This significantly reduces cleaning and maintenance requirements. Industry benchmarking speed ensures that the printer keeps up with fast moving canning lines.
Condensation resistant inks
We carry several inks that resist the build-up of condensation after printing.
Recommended printers
Liquor Bottles
Print contrast and visibility on dark or multi-colored labels is another crucial coding-related challenge in liquor bottling lines.

Our advantages in liquor bottles application include
Performance with pigmented inks
Our inkjet printers contain several innovative features that allow them to run reliably even on faster speeds, while using pigmented inks.
High contrast inks
We carry several inks that provide the necessary contrast against both light and dark labels. This eliminates the need for separate printers for dark and light labels if both are produced on the same line.
Industry leading print performance
With a 50mm throw distance, our continuous inkjet printer ensures a good quality code even on curved or irregular surfaces.
Recommended printers

Laser Printer

Aseptic Packages
Our advantages in aseptic packages application include
High-speed printers
Precision engineered printers that can keep up even with the fastest TetraPak lines.
Specialized inks
CPL carries inks formulated to adhere to laminated surfaces and resist condensed water.
Protect package integrity
Aside from ink-based printers, we also offer specialized laser coders that don’t affect package integrity.
High uptime solutions
Even a brief period of downtime on packaging lines proves very costly. Our highly reliable printers will run under even harsh conditions. Preventive maintenance focus during operator training and our comprehensive service network ensures that downtime is minimized.
Recommended printers
Flexible Packaging
Some states allow small quantities of alcohol to be sold in pouches and flexible packages. For such operations our thermal ink coders offer good value for money. Robust and highly economical, they are ideal for cost sensitive operations.

Recommended printers

Shipper Cartons
Our advantages in shipper cartons application include
Cost competitive solutions
To minimize per code costs
Easy to use, for people of all skill levels
All machines come equipped with a large touchscreen and an intuitive, graphical user interface. The interface supports English and the major Indian languages, making things easier for operators who don’t understand English. These features allow new users to learn the machine quickly and drastically reduces time required to train new operators.
Generic coding solutions
High-resolution carton coders reduce the need to stock preprinted cartons and allow the printing of bar codes and additional information online.
Integrated weight scale
Allows printing of exact carton weight during the packing process, thus increasing supply chain transparency and reducing product theft.
Recommended printers